
How To Update Dvd Player 5.0.3

Contents— elf's Apple PowerBook G4 Journal

Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where nosotros can find information upon it.
—Samuel Johnson

<technomancy> e1f: i like how your blog archives page has random pictures of hot girls on 1 side
<ntc> e1f: that is a good blogging habit, and I commend you for it in hostage
—#emacs chat

This page contains the index to all the by entries of my Powerbook Journal which documents my experiences with my get-go Mac— a 15in. Powerbook G4, bought in February 2005. The entries from offset few months will be useful for anyone converting to the Mac for the first time. Information technology is probable you will ask the same questions I asked, fortunately for you I accept already establish the answers and documented them here.

Part 0: Prologue

  • Week 0: (February. 7 - 17, 2005)
    The Decision to Buy � The Decision Not to Wait for the G5s � What Did I Get? � The Online Order � The Wait Begins... � It Shipped! (No, not really) � An Aside Well-nigh My Current Laptop � Naming � Sudden Motion Sensor � � More Waiting � Renaming? � Pop Apps � Tim Bray on using OSX � It Shipped! (Really!) � Tracking � Office Suite � Countdown Begins � Terminal Colors � Tomorrow! �

Part 1

  • Week one: (Feb. 17 - 24, 2005)
    The Arrival � Read All About Information technology � User Accounts � The NeXT Twenty-four hours�� Booting � Commencement Impressions � Calibrating the Battery � iPhoto � Differences � DVD Player Blues . MenuMeters � Eye Strain � Killing Windows � DVD Drive Vibrations � iCal Updates in the Dock � A Hang and a Re-boot � Kill Neb � Re-calibrate the LCD Display � Finder FTP � Technical Specifications � Burning Bridges
  • Calendar week 2: (February 25 - Mar 2, 2005)
    The Register'due south PowerBook Review � SMART Reporter � Networking aleph and mathilde � Zsh � HB SPJ � Celestia � Solitaire XL � DVD Player Icon � The Unix Mentality � Jef Raskin, RIP � Submitted Bug-reports � Clutter � Windows Sharing � Zero Configuration / Rendezvous � iTerm � MenuMeters and Tofu
  • Week three: (Mar iii - Mar 10, 2005)
    I Don't Iconify � Changing File Associations � Meteorologist � Cyberduck and NeoOffice/J � Intel Emulators � Keybindings � Firefox � Pacifist � Is Os X Enterprise Prepare? � Linus Switches to Mac � Comprehensive List of Keyboard Shortcuts � Platypus � Busy With Piece of work �
  • Week 4: (Mar 11 - 17, 2005)
    Batteries Are Included � X11 and Gimp � AMSVisualiser � DevBugs Response � Meta-Key In Xterm � Superlative-10 Mac Os 10 Tips for Unix Geeks � The Competition: Sony Vaio FS550 � The Gimp: Ever the Irritant � More than Xterm Meta-key Woes � Goodbye iTerm � Graphing Reckoner � I Say � New Mouse � "The Incredibles" Mini-review � Meta-fundamental Now Works in Xterm Through SSH � Bug ID# 4055945 � Eating Apples

Part 2

  • Week 5: (Mar 18 - 25, 2005)
    A Milestone � Mailed SystemProfile to Apple � Temperature Monitor � Boob tube � Update on Windows Rendezvous � Update on Previewing Images on a CF Card � Soundflower � xrdb � Emacs � Speech � BubbleGym � Daring Fireball �
  • Calendar week half dozen: (Mar 26 - 31, 2005)
    Tiger Mauls Emacs � Crash No. ii � SPOD Spotter'due south Handbook � OnyX � Ejecting Stuck Media � DS_Store: Bone X was here � iPhoto and iMovie � iPod Health Warnings � SPOD vs. SBOD � MPlayerOSX � Paul Graham Comments on the Mac � Blood-red Skies! � Windows is Ugly � Back and Along � Carrying cases � iPhoto PhotoBook � G5 PowerBooks Announced
  • Week 7: (Apr 1 - 10, 2005) Woes Revisited � More than Emacs Tweaks � iPhoto Feature Asking � Tiger Mauls Zsh � Audacity � Carbon Emacs Tips � Zsh OK On Tiger � More Audacity � BubbleGym Revisited � Gruber vs. Bray � Aquamacs � The Inevitable � Monkeybread Software � A New Version of iTerm � XDesktopWaves � Latin-1 Finally Works in Emacs � Default Browser for Emacs � Speech Revisited
  • Week 8: (Apr 11 - 18, 2005)
    Build Your Own Mac � Tiger on the 29th � iTunes Does Ogg � Screenshot � x.iii.nine is Out! � The Two-Month Look-dorsum

Part 3

  • Week ix: (Apr 19 - 26, 2005)
    Startup Sound � Look-dorsum Addendum � Developing Cocoa Objective-C Applications Tutorial � Quicktime Aerosol � Quicksilver Tutorial � My Showtime Photobook � is at present displayed in Terminal! � Talk is Inexpensive � Gimp, RIP � Playing a Sequence of Video Clips � iPhoto Update 5.0.2 Installed � Os Ten and Ten � My Photobook Shipped � Cerise Skies Redux �
  • Week 10: (Apr 28 - May 06, 2005)
    iCon � Ars Technica Tiger Review � PhotoBooks Arrive � Point-Zero Releases � Recently Watched DVDs � Rendering Bugs in Preview? � Official Apple Putty Knife � Apple tree Announces iMac hardware upgrades � Security Coating � Mezzoblue Tiger � Image Well �
  • Week xi: (May 08 - 14, 2005)
    QuickImageCM � Extracting DVD Audio � Bombardment Reading � Dashboard/Safari Exploit � OMG! President Bush Listens to an iPod � Apple Tablet? � Rotate Screen � iPhoto Keywords � Heavyweight Bout � DVD Role player (Not) Update � Bombardment Reading � Yahoo iPod � DVD Imager � Chopper � wget � iPhoto Books every bit PDF �
  • Calendar week 12: (May 15 - 22, 2005)
    iPhoto Crash � Finder Improvements � Smart Folders in the Finder � Tiger 10.4.1 Released � Cipher Much... � Register's Review of "iCon" � Airtight Captioning � Battery Exchange � Bombardment Charge Cycle Count � AppleScript Thumbnails � Rebinding Keyboard Shortcuts � AppleStore Yorkdale � Slow Mo � Issues ID# 4127120 � Wishingline � DVD Images Test �

Role 4

  • Week 13: (May 25 - Jun ane, 2005)
    Apple talks to Intel � Senuti: Recover Music From The iPod � Godfather II � 50 Fun Things for the iPod � Annals's Tiger Review � No GUI � Groggy Time Update � Replacement Battery � Finder Custom Icon in Sidebar Bug � Disable Spotlight in Tiger � And the Winner is... � Backwards Compatibility � Terminal URLs � Retention Corruption � iRAID � iComic � No EDU Discounts for K12 Students � Preview Bookmark � AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! � Finder Custom Icons Gone � Clone Wars � "Deep Throat" Revealed � DoubleCommand � MPEG-2 � WHEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! �
  • Week 14: (Jun 2 - Jun 10, 2005)
    Thumbnails: Thumbscrew, Pinki � Milestone � MPlayerOSX Revisited � Leisure � Rumour Command � Dual Core G4 Powerbook? � More Leisure � Switch Back � Leftover Trash � It gets meliorate... � D-DAY � Bombardment Exchange Redux � Transition Kit � What If... � What's the Big Deal? Battery X � Register's Tiger Review II � Case Insensitivity � Obsolescence � Accuse Cycles � Apple/Intel Merger � 10.iii.9 Security Update 006 � Renaming CF Menu � OS 9 � Memories of WWDC �
  • Week 15: (Jun 11 -19, 2005)
    Coin and Ego � The Garden of Eden � JWZ Buys a Mac � Cycle Count Reset To 1 � Increased Transparency � Apple Transition on the Wikipedia � The Gospel According to Jobs � OSx86 Leaked � A "Discolouration" � Onetime Battery � HastalaDS_Store � Apple's Developer Transition Kit � icculus � Mycroft: Firefox Search Plugins � Longest Uptime Ever � WWDC 2005 Pics � The Majestic iPod �
  • Week 16: (Jun 21 - Jun 30, 2005)
    There is No Osborne Event � Multi-session with BurnX Free � The Future of Multi-session CDs in OS X � NeoOffice/J 1.1 � "I Have a Mac" Secret Mitt-milkshake � �a Va Bien? � Linux on POWER � Macworld Reader Survey � Sun Ultra three � iTunes iv.ix Released � The Ultimate Google � New iPods � Jurassic Mac �

Part five

  • Week 17: (Jul 1 - 8, 2005)
    Canada Day � IMDB Power-search � DVD Thespian Substitute � for Tiger has bookmarks � Niceplayer: A Really Squeamish DVD Histrion � 3-D Filesystem Viewer � QuickSilver Upgrade � Panavision � Episode III Pre-Viz � DoubleCommand � HOORAY!!! Command is now Meta � 2005 Thought Awards for Apple � FedEx Logo � Terrorist Assail in London � IBM Announces New G5 Chips � Cult Movies �
  • Week 18: (Jul 12 - 19, 2005)
    otool � (So-called) iPod Bombardment Replacement � DIY Battery Replacement � Widget Managing director � Tiger ten.4.2 Released � iPhoto Catalog � iPhoto 5.0.three Update Released � Windows Aerodrome � Best Quarter Ever � Uptime � I See iPods Everyday � Ernest Lehman, RIP � DNS Strangeness � 10.3.9 � Fear and Intimidation � Realplayer 10 Gold � Shift � Cisco 6513 Power-supply, RIP � Video iPod � Kubricks �
  • Week 19: (Jul xx - 27, 2005)
    The Hawkeye has Landed � The Google Has Landed � James Doohan, RIP � BaCKStep � The Nascence of Doom 3 � DVD Player Problems Fixed (in Tiger) � iBook and Mini Upgrades � Annals's OQO Review � Plasma Tunnel Screensaver � What If... � Bombardment Exchange in Personalized iPods � Upgraded to Firefox 1.0.6 � Why Firefox? � Konfabulator is Now Free � iPhoto Upgraded to 5.0.3 (262) � Konfabulator Widgets � Ability Outage � Finder UI Anomaly �
  • Week 20: (Jul 28 - Aug four, 2005)
    iBook and Mac Mini Upgraded � NSWindow and .nib � Konfabulator Weather � Controlling the Weather � Nighttime Weather � Fundamental Replacement � Mactel DevKit DVD leaked � Gnome ii.12 � Improve PhotoBook DPI � Wing Commander: Privateer Gemini Gold � Go � iPhoto Utilities � Cory Doctorow Weighs in on Apple TCM � Mighty Mouse � Air France Blow at Pearson � PackageMaker � Thing Secret Court Documents � Transparency � DiscBlaze � Hire the All-time � UPS Troubles �

Part 6

  • Week 21: (Aug 5 - xiii, 2005 )
    Mozilla Upgrade Makes Plugins Disappear � iDVD is Astonishing � Forgot Expos� Shortcut � Glass Stairs in Applestores � Japan iTMS � Lacie Databank � Ardour � She'south Live � Netra 150 � The Prophecy is Fulfilled � Nuke Anything Plugin for Firefox � Tedious Burn � Another Power Failure �
  • Week 22: (Aug 14 - 26, 2005)
    Development of the GUI � Powerbook Upgrades Rumoured � Skippy: Deal Basement Expos� � Tiger Security Patch Required a Patch � Wireless Bonjour � Ignorance Is Bliss � Disable iPhoto from Starting when a Photographic camera is Plugged-in � One of These Things... � iTunes does CD Inserts � QuickErase � Solitaire XL Upgrade �
  • Week 23: (Aug 27 - Sep 6, 2005)

    The Next Big Thing � Command-line Sleep � The Invisible Computer � Lacie Data Bank Arrives � Gruber on Google � RSS Feeds � TUAW � Lacie Data Banking concern Picked-upward � Dreams Tin can Come up True � Machine Translation � LEGO Digital Designer � Lacie Data Bank Pictures � Mac Version of the Gmail Notifier Released � Gmail Notifier Trouble � Thumbscrew Problems � Backups With SilverKeeper � Wireless Cameras � Dive Into OS X FAQ � SilverKeeper Interface � Powersleeve 15 � Let Sleeping Dogs Lie � Verify and Repair Permissions � TiddlyWiki � Sacha Chua � Fun With Math: Interpolating Information � Free Solitaire 3D � Epson Announces a Mini Projector � LEGO Designer � What'due south on Woz's iPod �
  • Week 24: (Sep 7 - 18, 2005)
    Out Of Stock � OMFG!!! (The Nano) � Kickoff iPodNano Review� 7 Easy Pieces � Cerf'south Upward � Why Does Google Make Mac Users Suffer? � The Unfinished Revolution � 20-Questions Google � Choosing Between the Nano And The iPod � Dominicus Galaxy Servers � Apple Stats � My Get-go DVD With iDVD � Nano Sales �

Part vii

  • Week 25: (Sep xix - 29)
    FontExplorer X � The Register's Nano Review � Andy Hertzfeld � ROKR Phone Closeup? � iPod Audiobooks � Finders Weepers � Another Mac Convert? � iPhoto 5.0.4 Update � Apple in Print � My vi-month Retrospective is Overdue � 20 in. LCD Comparing � Emacs on Aqua � Stuck DMG � Nano, pico, femto � iPhoto 5.0.4 Crash � Doom iii Demo for OS X � Zork � A Funny Thing Happened On the Way To Mars � Oatmeal Breakfast �
  • Week 26: (Sep 30 - October v)
    OS Ten for Unix Hackers � Nano Scratches � Flawed Music Player � DVD Media Quality � NFS Client and Server � Where's the Docs? � MenuCalendarClock � NoScript Mozilla Extension � Sun and Google � Machine Ownership �
  • Week 27: (Oct 6 - fourteen)
    Topic for #macosx � Google Recruiting at U of T � Paul C�zanne � TargetAlert Firefox Extension � Konfabulator Conditions Errors � TargetAlert Update: New Tab, Not Window � Crash! � 4th Quarter Results � Apple Announces New G5 iMacs � Video iPod and iTunes 6 � PowerBook Sighting � iPod Your Car �
  • Week 28: (Oct 15 - 22)
    Obsession � Another Convert � TIME: How Apple Does It � A Half-step � Blindspot � First iMac G5 in Buffalo � Apple Announces Dual-cadre G5, ... Aperture � "Resilient Enterprise" � iTunes Discovery � RIP and Goodbye � WTF(inder)! � Finder Re-write for Leopard � 3-Finger Salute �
  • Week 29: (Oct 25 - 31)
    Australia iTMS � Time � Linotype FontExplorer Ten � Harry Potter Computers � photoDrop � Origins of the Species � From Fonts, Kanji Pictograms to The Ampersand � Tiger 10.4.3 Released �

Role viii

  • Calendar week 30: (November 1 - viii)
    6-month Summary � Episode iii� New FreeBSD Logo � iFire � Groovy Expectations � Scary Smart � Google Print � Complexity � Requiem for a Kernel Panic � iMac Review � "iPod, Therefore I Am" � Narrow Down a Search � Yet Another Emacs� One Million Macs Served � The Venerable Floppy �
  • Week 31: (Nov nine - 16)
    Gods, Monsters and Myths � MacWorld Reader Survey � "Switching To The Mac" � Daring Fireball 15 in. Powerbook Review � iDVD Update 5.0.i � Make Your Own DVD � Google's Free WiFi � Breakfast of Champions � Take Comprehend � Ghost User � 3ivx MPEG4 Plugin for Quicktime Player � Matrix Screensaver � iTunes Load � Sony Fiasco � Solarwind � Enabling Safesleep on ecent Macs � 1 Nano, Slightly Used � Applestore in the Eaton Centre? �
  • Week 32 (Nov 17 - 24)

    "Mac Bathroom Reader" � Busy Week at Work � iWords � Wowzers! � More than Mac Users � LoginWindow Manager � The Magic of rsync � Calm Technology � Spirited Abroad � Tallis, Palestrina and Garageband � Games � iPhoto Buddy � Lacie (LEGO) Brick Hard-disks � Adoring Fans � The Feast Later on the Feast � "Parental Switchers" � Games Update �
  • Week 33 (November 25 - 30)
    Digg � Installed America's Army: Special Forces� Ive Interview � Dimple � Hiring Practices � Flaky "Chiliad" � Sn� � DOSbox � MacLampsX � Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Appear � Gaming Update: Deleted American's Ground forces � Gaming Update: Re-install Warbirds three � Hard disk drive-DVD and Blu-ray Now, Holographic Storage Subsequently � The Mothership .

Part nine

  • Week 34 (Dec 2 - ix)
    Easy— Searching Without Spotlight � Partitioning Magic for Bone Ten � Internet Stats � G4 Optimized Mozilla Firefox � Things to Come � The Digital Manner � Swap iTunes Tags? � LD_LIBRARY_PATH � Madly In Love � Imagine � Google Globe for OS Ten (Before long) � Apple's Viral Marketing Campaign?
  • Week 35 (Dec ten -)
    A Nano Proposal � Historical Garages � Xooglers � IP over Firewire � Switching Betwixt Multiple Network Configurations � Yahoo: The Un-Google � Surfing Habits � Dating Hackers � foXpos� � Publishing Your Blog � Things That Brand You Get Hmmm... � Nobel Festivities � New iTunes Library � Google Music Search � Ways to use iSight � Google Terminal � Bad Sleep �
  • Week 36 (December eighteen - 25)
    #}&/;!@~ LOST CARRIER � Viral Marketing: But as I Thought � Larger Screen� The Ultimate Portable Media � Lexicon � The $100 Laptop � Interview procedure at Microsoft � Mac IE is Expressionless � Showtime Yonah Announcement � Microsoft Buys Opera Browser? � Service Scrubber � The Emperor'due south Three Questions � "Geometry and Significant " � 'Twas the Night Before Christmas � Playing Video Clips � The Consummate New Yorker �
  • Week 37 (Dec 26 - 30)
    Bugatti Veyron 16.4 � Apple Network Server � "The Equation That Couldn't be Solved" � Flare � DVD Imager To The Rescue � 22C3 � MacGirls �

Part ten

  • Calendar week 38 (Dec 31, 2005 - Jan seven, 2006)
    Paul Thurrott's Blog � 2006 � Rip Firefox Extension � Camino Browser � Yonah Ships � Powerbook Surgery � iKitty � "The Complete New Yorker" Gripes � OS X IRC Clients � 2006 CES Keynotes � Coverage of Google CES Keynote �
  • Week 39 (Jan viii - 15, 2006)
    Flick Typos � Reading "The Complete New Yorker" � The "Early on Majority" � Most Hits Evar! � When Things Go Incorrect, Who Do You Telephone call? � Adobe Lightroom � Macworld 2006 Predictions from Kevin Rose � Macworld 2006 Keynote Coverage � Gosling Had A MacBook All This Time? � ExpressCard/34 Slot � Ooooooh! Slidy � Download Google Earth for OS 10 � The MacBook Cover � No Stickers � Macworld Boston 1997 � SunApple � Comparing Apples and Oranges � WMV Plugin for QT Role player � MacWorld Boston 1997, Continued � Increased Readership � Three Choices � More Macgirls From Flickr � Some More than Reasons to Switch � Uno: An Unified OS X Theme � Spheric Lounge �
  • Week 40 (January 16 - 23, 2006)

    iMovie5 and iDVD5 Updates � Intel Mac Count on #macosx � Sun Founders Video � Dual i486 � My .emacs File For Carbon Emacs � O wget, Where Art Thou? � DVD Compressors � Apple is iPod � Eaton Centre Apple tree Store Coming � Why Macs Suck � Restructured The Journal A Scrap � Why I Haven't Yet Upgraded to Tiger � Fake .Trashes � Something Better than URLs? � Temperature Monitor �
  • Week 41 (Jan 24 - 31, 2006)
    Some other Recent Catechumen � Slow iMac Sales � SizzlingKeys � Menumeters ane.3 Released � Herzlichen Gl�ckwunsch, Herr Mozart � Finding Happiness � GUIdebook � Intel Mac Benchmarks � Speech Recognition � Five Elementary Steps to Better Typography � Temperature Monitor � Carbon Emacs for Panther � Shiira �

Part 11

  • (Feb 1 - eight, 2006)
    NeoOffice one.2 Released � Firefox one.5.0.i Released � Googlenet is Born � Steve Is God � Spotlight: Great Thought, Poor Implementation � Backside The Scenes At The Powerbook Periodical � 17 inch iMac G5 EOL � Marvels of Medicine � SpotMeta � GimpSHOP � 1 GB iPod Nano � Sidenote � Can A Reckoner Be Programmed to be Creative? � Environment Canada Weather Radar Widget �
  • (Feb 9 - 15, 2006)
    Cool Effects � Images In Stickies � The Existent Thing � Apple tree Movies � The Interim � Upgrade To Emacs 22 � Omni Outliner Annoyance � Happy Altogether, Darwin � Happy Birthday, Lincoln � DTV � iFixit � My Dear � Bone Ten TeX � OS nine R.I.P. �
  • (Feb sixteen - 22, 2006)

    Powerpoint � Konfabulator API � Open Document Format � Surf With A Supermodel � HAPPY Altogether, MATHILDE! � 15 in. Powerbook Phaseout Begins � 12 in. iBook? � Lacie Little Big Deejay � This Old Commandline � iMovie Updated to 5.0.2 � Macbook Pro Pics � Mozilla Optimizations � iDVD Encoding � Jet Photo � iPod Wireless Headphones � iPods in Turin � Belstaff � 15 inch Powerbooks EOL �
  • (February 23 - 28, 2006)
    Music Phones � Remembrall � An Apple A Day � Google Dashboard Widgets � Download Statusbar � I Billion Tunes � Mac Sightings � New Printer � Feb. 28th Rumour Summary � iPod Toons � Natalie Portman � Firefox � Gratuitous Up Hard disk Space � Nokia 7380 � The Macintosh Marketing Story: Fact and Fiction, 20 Years Later on � Origami Project � Applestore Is Down � New Products � Applestore Online � "Rainbows End" �

Role 12

  • (Mar one - 8, 2006)
    Thoughts on the iPod Hifi � Bonjour Googletalk � Dress Like Steve � Googlebot Mobile? � iTMS Gimmick � Ars Technica Reviews Macbook Pro � An Evening With Woz � Security Update 2006-001 � ATI Graphic Demos and Screensavers � The Pope Gets an iPod � At present Running 10.3.9 � Matt Groening Ad � iDVD Tips � DiskInventoryX � Applestore in Sherway Gardens � "All Marketers are Liars" � Rotate Your Powerbook � Leopard Finder �
  • (Mar nine - 16, 2006)

    No Vista EFI � Digital Athenaeum � Penny Arcade Switch � One Year With Mathilde � Last Settings � DoubleCommand Startup � Google Design � Java 4K Challenge � PC Keybindings � Samsung Z5 MP3 Player � jlGUI � Battery Firmware Update �
  • (Mar 17 - 24, 2006)
    OS Ten UI Designer � FontExplorerX 1.0 Released � 2d-all-time Apple Ad � Windows XP on a Mac � Q Emulator � Shopping for a RAM Upgrade � Another Covert? � Left Headphone Channel Wonky � Audion Is Now Gratis � Google Finance � ourTunes � iTunes in French republic � iPhone Confirmed � Where Is The Press Release? � NetNewsWire Light � Collected Essays �
  • (Mar 25 - 31, 2006)
    Wardriving � IGS Twisted Screensaver � Photoshop Elements 4.0 Review � "Twenty Things I Hate About Mac OS 10" � Markenzeichnen � iTunes In Concert � Rasterbator � FSEventer �

Role 13

  • (Apr 1 - 8)

    I'1000 Switching Back � RAM Toll Driblet � Firestarter � Savory Spam Crescents � Things We Take for Granted � Boot Campsite � iPatch � Parallels � Boot Camp Logo � Anime Characters � Key Purse � The Risks of Increased Popularity �
  • (April ix - 17)
    Dock Location � Firefox one.5.0.2 Released � Easter Eggs � Gu Ge � Good Friday � Battery Firmware Update � No Audio From Right Headphone Jack � iCal Calendars � iPhoto Library Backup � Anti-theft Detection � C:\> DOS RUN �
  • (Apr 18 - 24)
    Second Quarter Results � QTCoffee � The Crazy Ones, The Misfits, The Rebels � JewelToy � Google Pages � Timeout! Avoiding RSI � 17 in. MBP Announced �
  • (Apr 25 - 31)
    Google Techtalks � Shrook � Busy � Briefly � ffmpegX � Information technology's Over, At present My Work Begins � Google News Suggests � playsound � iPhoto Gallery

Part 14

  • (May 1 - eight)

    Earthview � Applestore Downtown � New Apple tree TV Ads � Official Eaton Heart Queue Information � NAB Demo Reel � Hebrew iPod � A Bear on of Evil � Eaton Center Applestore T-Shirt � Sigmund Jobs �
  • (May 9 - sixteen)
    Bricksmith � XNU vs. Linux � Process LimitsSecurity Update 2006-003 � CSS Paradise � Revolution In the Valley � Picture Time � Inside AppleCare � Canadian Demography � Bricksmith LEGO Abacus � Security Update Breaks SMARTReporter � Artistic Sues Apple � AppleStore is Downwardly— MacBooks � MacBook Fallout �
  • (May 17 - 24)

    RAW Images � Photoshop Elements 4 Review � Ooooh! Look! Shiny Object! � Checkpoint Charlie � Fearfulness And Desire � Klosed Kernel � MacBook Count on #macosx � NYC AppleStore � Man Handler � Spewcifically � MacBook Reviews and Benchmarks � MacBook Dissection � Idle Temperature � Intel Stock � The MacBook Pro is Non a Laptop � Thermal Paste � 2001 Themed Icons � Finder/Terminal Interactions � iPod/iTunes Usage Stats � Victoria Solar day � Some other Macbook Review � New Favicon � Mac OS X Internals � Alternate Reality � Flash Drives � Google Video Ads � 100 Dollar Laptop Protype � USB Turntable �
  • (May 25 - 31)
    Screensavers � Logs � Tap � Bump! � Nike+iPod � The Thermal Paste Question � Mac Pro � Neom'due south Macbook Weblog � Screen Polarizer � MacBook EFI � Bullheaded Search � JPod � Dr. Who

Part 15

  • (Jun 1 - eight)
    Recycle One-time Computers � Gisèle Bündchen � Ordinary Sunday � Apostasy � Google Video Player � ?? �
  • (Jun nine - 16)

    The Cute Game � Google Browser Sync � DockArt � DRM Protest At Apple Stores � Google Hires Douglas Bowman � iTunes Visualizers � Expect, Wait, Don't Tell Me � New Versions of Google Earth and SketchUp � Login Hooks � iTunes Alarm � No More than Fun �
  • (Jun 17 - 23)
    Quinn � A Review of "Architecture: World's Greatest Buildings" � What'due south Next � Malebolge � Reducing Downtime � Gminesweeper � Free Utils � Share Your Google Agenda � Os X Feedback � Going Native � Backlight Visualiser � Natalie Portman on Sesame Street � Podcast Reminders � Google Sitemaps � NCC 1706 �
  • (Jun 24 - 31)

    Edge of Outside � On Vacation � Font Design � Automated Revision Control � MD5SUM � American Apparel Models � Is That A MacBook? � Configuring DocType � Quicktime vii.1.2 Update � Google Spider web Toolkit Intro � Google Checkout Debuts � Impressive Resolution

Function 16

  • (Jul ane - eight)
    � Os X Book Is Out! � Brazil is Out! � New MP3 Role player Stats Out! � Google Video With Commercials � OS X Volume Ordered � Google World KML Tutorial � Shields Up! � "Notebook" vs. "Laptop" � MusicGremlin � Pb Decorations � Google World Weather � PowerBook Journal RSS Feed � OS X to Ubuntu � Laptop Desk � Seismac � Educational iMac � D-Vision � Call of Duty 2 Demo � Free The Widgets � SystemLoad � Blackshades �
  • (Jul 9 - xvi)

    Microsoft MP3 Player � This Former Reckoner � MRAM � Call of Duty 2 Demo Review � Tilt-shift Photography � Once and Future King �
  • (Jul 17 - 24)
    OS X Volume Ships! � Bone X Book Arrives! � Biometric Lacie Bulldoze Review � Channel Frederator � World eBook Off-white � Icky Dessert � Shopping at Roots � Bluetooth MightyMouse �
  • (Jul 25 - 31)
    AMD buys ATI � "Mac Bone X Internals" Chapter 1 Review � iFlip � Origins of Google Earth � Solaris10 on an Ultra10 � Pianissimo � Scorched Earth 3D

Part 17

  • (Aug 1 - 8)

    � DoDim � "Mac OS 10 Internals" Affiliate 2 Review � Slacking Off � Security Update 2006-004 � Hurricane Katrina Recognition Award � Forever Information � Quake 4 Demo is Out! � Nature vs. Nurture � WWDC Bingo � WWDC Summary � Mac OS Forge � DTrace now in Leopard �
  • (Aug 9 - 16)
    Rock, Newspaper and Scissors � RAM Disk � "Mac OS Ten Internals" Chapter iii & iv Review � Creating an Ad hoc Network � A Macbook in the Family unit � Gratuitous Google Wifi �
  • (Aug 17 - 24)

    Time Motorcar � Macbook Offset Impressions � Playbook � "Mac OS X Internals" Chapter v Review � Leopard Screenshots � Extract Audio from DVD � Poincar� Theorize � Creative Settlement � All the same Another Apple tree Battery Remember � Amazon S3 �
  • (Aug 27 - 31)
    The Consummate New Yorker Portable Hard Bulldoze � New Mac Ads � AppleStore At Sherway Gardens � Viewing Complimentary Content From The U.Southward. iTunes Store � Ancient Tomes � My Showtime AppleStore Visit

Part xviii

  • (Sep i - 8)
    Radiant Core does Firefox 2 UI � Phone call of Duty 2 Review (Role ane) � Sherway Gardens Applestore Photos � New Macs Announced � It's Friday � Phone call of Duty 2 Review (Part 2) � Latest Trailers (Featuring Macs) �
  • (Sep 9 - xvi)

    Light-emitting T-shirts � "It's Kickoff" � Gapless Playback � New Nano Ad � October Shuffle � Second Bombardment Exchange (The Saga) � "It'south Showtime" Apple tree Presentation Video � LED Spectrum Analyzer Visualiser for iTunes � R.I.P. <lilo> � Using a PC-formatted iPod on a Mac �
  • (Sep 17 - 24)
    Sony VAIO N-Series � AssistiveWare � Weekly Catchup � I Web Mean solar day � Twisted Melon � Forthcoming DVDs � Choosing a Quotation � zfs: Pros and Cons Summarized � iTS Comprehend-Fine art � UgliTunes 7 � Banshee � FileVault � Synthetic Movies � Fashion �
  • (Sep 25 - 30)
    Elgato EyeTV Reviewed � Sony eBook Reader � PyQTSequence � Startrek Sale on � iTunes vii.0.1 on XP � Blastoff Version � "Mac Os X Internals" Chapter 6 Review � Made Some New Icons � iCal Typo � Disabling the GUI

Part nineteen

  • (Oct 1 - 8)

    � Top 10 Open Source Bone X Apps � Cocoa Widgets Are Default on the Body � Apple In Greece � 2006 Nobel Prize in Medicine � 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics � Yahoo! Hackday 2006 Photos � Shuffle2 Not Gapless? � Another Skillful Quote � Auf Wiedersehen, Vienna � Call of Duty 2 Review Function 3 �
  • (October 9 - 16)
    Nokia Aeon � Googletube � Official Google Mac Blog � Lucky 7 � Three New Mac Ads � Reiser Arrested � Monster Calendar week � (PRODUCT)RuddyNewsweek Interviews Jobs � No Such Luck � Shuffle2 Club Cancelled �
  • (Oct 17 - 24)
    Project Blackbox � Rhymes with... � Apple is 4th in Domestic PC Sales � Yak Shaving � Advanced Typography With Mac OS 10 Tiger � Office for Mac � F4Q06 (Qtr Finish 9/30/06) Earnings Call Transcript � FOUC � Windows Virus on the iPod � 3D-Xplor �
  • (Oct 25 - 31)
    Fashion � Redwire Jeans � Ordered Elgato EyeTV Hybrid � EyeTV Shipped � Getting a Mac Mini for Work � Apple Shop Opened in Laval, Quebec � EyeTV Arrived � Torchwood � $100 Laptop Update � Shuffle2 Delayed Even More than � DST Ends � Apple Executive Applecare> � Facial Hair � Crochet Wearing apparel

Part twenty

  • (Nov i - xxx)

    Mac Mini Progress Written report � iPod Shuffle2 Shipped � Usability/Disability: Coloured LED Indicators � Macupdates � Anime/Manga on Sale at � Netdiver: Wink Animations � U.S. Election Results � Transit of Venus � Epitome Editor � Tor �
  • Sleepytime Dejection � Edmund Fitzgerald � Comparison Beethoven to Eminem and 50 Cent � Flash Photography � Java GPL'd � Feed43 is Down � Escher Screensaver � Elections � Google TechTalk: Doug Lenat � mathilde Freeze �
  • October 2001: iPod � Sun Travel Mug � Wingnuts � Shaving Flogging the Gnu � The PS3 Frenzy � Paul Mauriat, R.I.P � Keynote is the King � "Put Some Music On" � Robert Altman, R.I.P. � Microsoft PC �
  • If There Is No God � Google TechTalk: Second Life & User Experieae � I *heart* Robots � Resize An HFS+ Partition � Altman to Apple � Philippe Noiret, R.I.P. � Kramnik vs. Deep Fritz � Star Wars Chess Set � "Pump Dreams" � There'south More � New Mac Ads � Praise � Captain Obvious � SSH Shortcuts

Part 21

  • (Dec. 1 - 31, 2006)
    Google Toilets � FastIcns � "Thinking with Type" � Disco is Stupid � Caution: Using zippo for Backups may exist Chancy to Recovery � "Now is the winter of our discontent" � Google TechTalk: A New Way to look at Networking � Apple Backup vs. Carbon Copy Cloner � Google Techtalk: Apple Automator � December viii �
  • December Blues � December Blues: VW Advertizing � iTunes Sales Drop so, on to the Next Big Thing � Video Codec Comparing � The Archimedes Palimpsest � Google TechTalk: The Graphing Reckoner Story � December Blues: HP Ad � Al Shugart, R.I.P. � December Blues: Microsoft Ad � Flogging the Gnu Logo Sketch � December Blues: Powerbook Ad � Mezzoblue Redesign � Centrality of �vil � FlightGear � Le Cin�ma � Dec Dejection: BoA Ad �
  • New Google Globe 4 Beta Released � I am Fourth dimension Magazine's Person of the Twelvemonth � Dec Blues: iLife Ad � iPhone Released � Let it Snow � Call Automator Actions from the Trounce � Black Lagoon � DIN 1451 to Iron-Schrift � ZFS on Leopard � VMware: Fusion � Shuffle2 Shortcoming � Opening Bids � Hipster PDA � Customize Trash Icons � Contempo Movies �
  • HuginOSX and myDVDEdit � Discovery Channel: iPod � STS 116 � Sony eBook Reader Ad � Seymour Papert in a Coma � Heavenly Bodies � "Suicide is Painless" � Blurker � Slowtunes � The Powerbook Family unit � Dell Support vs. AppleCare � The Movie theater Channel � Saddam Hussein, R.I.P. � Adult female on Train � Shooting "Casino Royale" � RSS Feed Tweak

Part 22

  • (Jan. 1 - 31, 2007)
    Google Goes to Manhattan � IMDb Data � "Homer Goes to College" � View from the Mountain � Smiles and Wows— 17 in. Mac Book Pro � The Magic Number: One Million Households � Two-player Pong � Macworld 2007 �
  • MWSF2007 � Apple has Won � Would You Buy a Phone From This Man? � Video of the MacTablet � Tiger Multi-session CDs � Fortress Programming Language � The Nay Sayers � Career Day � More Apple Gaga � Cupertino Applestore � MacBraniac Claiming � PiX � Natalie Portman � Money, Money � netPong � MWSF2007 Google Campout Diary

Part 23

  • (Feb. 1 - 28, 2007)

    Open Options � Panther DST Patch Applied � Blackness and White Photography � Mac Ad � Google Sketchup half-dozen Review � Jim Greyness is Still Missing � Insect Lab � VelaTerra � New Mac Ad: Security � � Yahoo! Pipes � Rolling Stone Comments on Apple � Unix Tips for OS Ten � Sunday at the Village Vanguard � Bushi No Ichibun � George Sadek, R.I.P. � DiVA � Knock, Knock. Who'due south There? Google. � Searching for the Correct Word � Britain "Get A Mac" Ads � A Review of HuginOSX: Panorama Generator � iSwimsuit � Solaris DST Bank check � Leopard Seeks UNIX Certification � ToyViewer Review � Compose-A-Sketch On A Mac? � Tremulous OS X � InterPlaNET � "Waiting on the Weather", The Oscas � Google Visits Apple � iPhone: Hullo Ad � Emacs: The Hidden Fortress

Part 24

  • (Mar. 1 - 31, 2007) � CoD2 Update � Native Os X WiFi Exploit: The Full Story � Interview with a Mac Bone X Zero-Day Patcher � New VMware Beta � Sony eBook Reader Support � iTunes seven.ane Released � "Paprika" Trailer � Most-Admired Companies � Kensington Contour Terrain Messenger Bag � Jean Baudrillard, R.I.P. � Crumbling � Biophony � MyMahj � Dear Steve, Please Driblet DRM. Signed, FSF � Laptop Bulldoze with Native Encryption � "Dell and Linux" � Tiger 10.4.9 Update � Firefox: Disable "Server not found" folio � iTunes 7.1.1 Released � Aesthetics of Reading � "The Merchant of Cupertino" � Ian Murdock Now at Sun � Bluetooth Proximity Detection � Apple TV Finally Ships � Apple tree Marketing � world wide � LEGO Caf� Corner � Kuler � Identifont � NSA � Star Wars: Empire at War Demo � 2006 Youtube Awards � Adept Flash � Symbol Caddy, Easy Envelopes & Usability � iPhone Availability � "Switching My Mother to the Mac"

Part 25(Apr)

  • (Apr. 1 - 30, 2007) � Command-line "At present Playing" � "At present Playing" command for ERC � 8 Cores � Smartphone OS Distribution � Easter Snowfall � Chocolate � Xvid at present supported on QT � "Empires of the Discussion" � Stradivarius in the Subway: Bell as a Busker � More Switchers � 100M iPods, No Competition � Tux Deluxe � AppleTV Ad and "Sea'south xiii" trailer � Battlestar Galactica, Season 1 � Leopard will be Late � CocoThumbX: DIY Icons � Blithe Desktop Screensaver � Booksmart: DIY Books � Edge Notice: iMovie Plugin � Reading Comprehension � Helen of Troy � A Zoomed Arrow is Never Watched � Inventions � The Stable Union Problem � Advise Firefox Improvements � Quicktime Exploit � The Journal Resumes � Blueish Moon

Role 26(May)

  • (May. 1 - 31, 2007) � Webby Awards � Native Open Office on Mac � Installed Photoshop Elements 4 � There Once was a Plan Called Chandler � And the accolade for the well-nigh improved program goes to... � "Microsoft is Dead" � Nokia � Nocturne � Apple tree Shareholders Meeting � Mobile Java � NASA World Wind Coffee API � "Shaping the Future" � Scratch: A Programming Language for Children � Photo Drop Widget � Google (Experimental) � Geocaching Circa 1977 � "Human Consequences of the Exploration of Infinite" � "2001" Shrine � Ive Wins National Design Laurels � "Linguistic communication was the companion of empire" � Search gives Poor Results � Google Site-local Searches are Grouped � Subtitles, War and Peace � The Future of Google � VirtualBox � "The First World War", past John Keegan

Part 27(June)

  • (June 1 - 30, 2007) � Surface, Foleo � New Toys � D-Day: June 29th � � elf's Bookshelf � WWDC 2007 Preview � Bad Taste � Migrating from HFS+ to ZFS � WWDC 2007 Live � New Kodak Prototype Sensors � 2007 MacTech 25 � ATP Toughdrive 1GB USB Key � iPhone Frenzy Builds � iPhone Hits & Misses � Panorama � iPhone: T-6 Days � Ignis Fatui � iPhone: T-4 Days � VMware Video Contest � A Expert Story � iPhone D-Twenty-four hours � iPhone Surgery

Part 28(July)

  • (July i - 31, 2007)
    � 2G, 3G, GPRS, CDMA, GSM, Westward-CDMA, UMTS, WTF? � The Contest � The iPhone is non Aureate � The iPhone is non a Number � A Computer for My Parents � iPhone Bug Report � iPhoneDevCamp � Laptop in Bed � Die Difficult Mac � Book Review: Zero � LG Touch Me MP3 player � Upsidedown � Inventing the Time to come � PosteRazor � Items Nosotros Carry � Third Quarter Earnings Report � Blade Runner: Final Cutting � AJAX Tutorials from Google � Damn Spam � Surprises

Part 29(August)

  • (Baronial 1 - 30, 2007)
    � New "something" � gPhone � Apple's Product Cycle � Quake Zero � Hugo Nominees � Mac Buyer'due south Guide � Ultrathin Is In � Zero Downtime � Monthly Google Rant � They Might Exist Giants � I Detest Adobe � Scorsese and Allen � True Story � Cuppa � Volume Review: "The Emergence of Probability" � Mac vs. PC � Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet � Before and Later � Forbidden Experiment � Internet Killed the Video Star � Aristotle was incorrect! � Book Design � TextEdit Icon � Mini Printing Problems

Office 30(September)

  • (September 1 - 30, 2007)
    � Book Review: "God's Secretaries" � Tomorrow: Touch-screen iPods (99.9% probable) � Foleo, R.I.P. � Would you lot like to bear upon my iPod? � Origins of the Species � "Go A Mac" ads win Effie � Earlier and Afterward: Form Design � iTunes Temp Files � Volume Review: "Earlier and After Page Design" � Plastic Surgery � "Go ahead, mac my twenty-four hour period" � iPod Touch Surgery � 7 Shortcomings almost iTunes � E'er Restore Firefox Sessions � iPod Reviews � The Big Apple tree � Powerset: The new game in town � The Once and Future Music Industry � More Ads � New Game in Town Two � Parity � Parity II

Part 31(Oct)

  • (October 1 - 31, 2007)
    � Anniversaries � Mac Chick: Mandy Amano � Parity III � Ad: Olivetti � Touch Pads � This is an Ex-Emacs � Nobel Prize: Medicine � Faro � Nobel Prize: Physics � IPv4 Address Space � Mobile Mozilla � Peter Ah�: Software Delivery � Catch-phrase � Nobel Prizes: Chemistry, Literature, Peace � Message in a Cup � Mac vs. PC c. 1996 � Songbird � Missouri Macs � Firefox 2.0.0.eight � Minsky MIT AI Lecture � Sun Ultra 24 Workstation � However no iPhone in Canada � Photograph: Toronto Skyline at Night � Extreme Closeup: The Terminal Supper � Lineup for Leopard in Toronto � Unixersal Translator

Part 32(Nov)

  • (Nov 1 - 30, 2007)
    � Keeping Residual in the Universe � Vax Barcelona � Letter of the alphabet from Edinburgh � Leopard NFS � Because Carnegie � Screensaver: Anemona � Quake Wars PC Demo Comments � Widget: Sunclock � Scarfs � iPhone Toll in Canada � "The Ignition is on the Left" � Browser/OS Site Statistics � Android � Ordered my OLPC Laptop � Vimeo: HD Video � Big Bang Theory � DTrace Intro � Updates: Panther, Tiger, Leopard � A Day at the Races � Flash Drives � Screensaver: Filigree � Kindle � RMS Rebuttal � Fossa � Geoff Arnold: Kindle Get-go Impressions � Concluding Go out to Nowhere � Periodic Tabular array of Elements Shower Mantle � MSG Mail � World Broad Parrot � Applestore: Free Aircraft, Engraving and Gift-wrap-- Today But! � Eco Location � Intel Programmer Tools for Leopard

Part 33(December)

  • (December i - 31, 2007)
    � Campaign Logo Assay � Campaign Stops � Pynchon � "My Fair Emacsia" � Wii + MacBook Pro + Dome � Ultra-portable Mac Rumours � The Garden Path � � Allow it Snow � Chipmunk BASIC � Yonge and Queen � Ludwig von Brahms � Google One thousand Prix � "The Other Side" � That Settles It � XKCD At Google � Saving Graces � "Twilight of the Books" � One thousand-x RememberAll � OLPC Journal Feed � The GPL � Some other Mac at Sun � Simon Tatham'south Portable Puzzle Drove � 186 Days � Old Cash Cows are Dead

Part 34(January 2008)

  • (January i - 31, 2008)
    � Euphemisms � Double-walled Mugs � Jobs on Rand � Google Grows Up � Macworld 2008 Bingo Carte � State Codes Poster � NetNewsWire is Free � Blonde Portman � Digital Storage Tax � Macbook Air � My First iTunes Purchase � All Things Seen and Unseen � New Version of Carbon Emacs � AI Suicides � Volume Review: "Legacy of Ashes" � Emacs Locale � Rules of Sysadmins � HIG Guidelines � Keen Ads � Robert Capa: Lost Negatives � Red Rocket

Office 35(February 2008)

  • (February 1 - 28, 2008)
    � Macbook Air Surgery � "I, There's the Point" � Bose MusicMonitor Calculator Speakers � A Nice Loving cup Of Tea And A Sit Downwards � Seminar: "Sub-Primes and Supersolutions" � iPhoto Photobooks and Calendars on Auction � Submarine Cables � Aftermath � Parity IV � Wounds of Devastation � Globe Press Photo 2008 Winners � Love, etc. � "Experiments in Ideals" � Microsoft Loves Danger � ManilaMac � R.I.P: Hard disk-DVD � J. Coiffure � Lunar Eclipse � The Oscars � Shuffle Along � How Nerds Destroy the World � Surprises

Part 36(March 2008)

  • (March one - 31, 2008)
    � Coldboot and Scrape � Succulent Library ii.0 � Scarlett and Natalie � Friendly Neighbourhood Support � Toronto Photobook � Rendezvous with Rama � Corruption of Privileges � Professor Fizzwizzle � Visitor Stats � Nobody* Ever Got Mugged for a Zune � Toronto Photobook � Graphical Mac Apps � St. Patrick'south Emacs � "Geek Honey" � Arthur C. Clarke, R.I.P. � March � Apple Preserves � Apple History: GUI Interfaces � Last Thoughts � Space Elevator � Book Review: "Ventus" � Lean Centenary � Emacs Usability � Normally � The Bleedin' Obvious � Nano Skins � The Apple Mystique � Emacs Defaults � "The Cadre of Apple's Success"

Part 37(April 2008)

  • (April 1 - 30, 2008)
    � Foolery � There was a Time... � iPhone Sighting � Howdy Kitty! Emacs Colortheme � Love and Books � Bookmarks are Obsolete � Mobile Phones � Mac@IBM � "U" R Invalid � Tools of the TeXperts

Function 38(May, June 2008)

  • (May & June, 2008)
    � The Mac in the Gray Flannel Suit � Page Up � Happy Birthday, Spam � Risks of Stupidity � Coding C With Emacs � A Web-based Emacs � $45 credit for Canadian iPods bought pre-2004 � The Jesus Laptop � Ikea: Then and At present � Cinema Verit� � XO � Automated Tags � Explosive Reflected � XP on XO � #emacs as NY � Yet Some other Mac Mini � Internet Map � "Electrical Computers" � Improper Advances � Mars Orbiter Photographs Phoenix Lander... � Macs in Magazines � The Secret Army Grows � Book Review: "The Innovator's Dilemma" � WWDC 2008 Preview � What about FF3 for Panther? � iPhone 3G � Dennis Ritchie, 404 � Slideshow � From Fritz'south "Metropolis" to Pitt's iPhone � Bienvenue � Montr�al � Book Review: "Flaubert's Parrot" � Kerning and Ligatures in Firefox three � No Answers for Flick Fans � Slideshow: Giant Mushroom � On the Importance of Testing � Emacs T-shirt Logo � iPhone Plan Rates for Canada � Jolly Roger

Part 39(July 2008)

Part 40(August 2008)

Part 41(September 2008)

Office 42(October 2008)

Part 43(November/December 2008)

Part 43(Jan - May 2009)


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